A new dating sim or interactive sex story created by me. Possibly the first of many. You decide how and if you score during a night of potential erotic encounters. Multiple endings and several themes explored.
Thanks for your demands, but just like the same request you made on the other game, there is also already a threesome with the roommate in this game as well.
one thing i don’t like is the window to the game is so small anyway to make it bigger i am sick of keep moving to down and up to see , i end up closing the game by mistake
Hey AGR I love your games (this one is one of my favs). Question: What tools do you use to make these games? I’d love to give a hand at it myself (no pun intended 🙂 )
Thanks Don Obi-Juan Kenobi. You win the award for the most awesome username. Well the graphics are all from the The Sims 2, with most expansions and a pile of mods – story making mods, movie making mods, and sex and nude mods. I create sets and characters in the game (The Sims 2) and then pick angles and grab screenshots. In this game (A date with Larissa), my first one, I created a pile of HTML pages with branching options to play through the game. For newer games of mine I use some custom software to accomplish this. That’s it in a nutshell.
Ha, thanks! I’m usually crap at choosing names, but I felt inspired I guess (too much beer? :))
So the newer stuff you are using custom software you’ve written? Very nice! The HTML seems like it’d be tedious to write, especially if you want to branch out to anything more than a few different choices.
best ever make more
very confusing and good game
pleas make more
thanks, I plan on it when time permits!
Its like Mass Effect without the shooting. Thank you for your hard work.
2nd best or best game ever, make it a longer game plz
is there a down load for a date with Larrisa and a date with Simone ?
make this game be able to have a three-some with Larissa and her room mate.
Thanks for your demands, but just like the same request you made on the other game, there is also already a threesome with the roommate in this game as well.
really? how do i get a three some in this game?
i got it
i did too and it was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn
i got it too! it was sexilicious
awesome game
d games good bt nt d bst
one thing i don’t like is the window to the game is so small anyway to make it bigger i am sick of keep moving to down and up to see , i end up closing the game by mistake
what browser and resolution? It’s not too small at 2560×1600 …
Scored a 314 ….interesting gals!
very well
Why she gets angry if I ask to put some lingerie? Pudic girls that require lot of appointments for being fucked don’t get angry for that.
Hey AGR I love your games (this one is one of my favs). Question: What tools do you use to make these games? I’d love to give a hand at it myself (no pun intended 🙂 )
Thanks Don Obi-Juan Kenobi. You win the award for the most awesome username. Well the graphics are all from the The Sims 2, with most expansions and a pile of mods – story making mods, movie making mods, and sex and nude mods. I create sets and characters in the game (The Sims 2) and then pick angles and grab screenshots. In this game (A date with Larissa), my first one, I created a pile of HTML pages with branching options to play through the game. For newer games of mine I use some custom software to accomplish this. That’s it in a nutshell.
Ha, thanks! I’m usually crap at choosing names, but I felt inspired I guess (too much beer? :))
So the newer stuff you are using custom software you’ve written? Very nice! The HTML seems like it’d be tedious to write, especially if you want to branch out to anything more than a few different choices.
Thanks for the repsonse, keep up the good work!
The videos in the game dont load! I turned off adblock too!
Good game but kind of easy (369 points)