Dec 222011

Preorder BoneCraft here and receive bonus items including something called the Golden Fist and none other than C3P-Ho, a female golden sex robot. And she’s not the only sex robot. Yes this is a game that features not one, but at least TWO female sex robots, along with hot lesbian elves, promiscuous orcs, and redneck space cowboys who want to fuck them all in a fantasy scifi hybrid porn game. What the hell did I just describe? I’m not even sure but it sounds like pure debaucherous fun. Explicit sex, comedy, and violence in both space and fantasy land. Maybe the videos will give a better indication of what to expect. I will be trying the prerelease version soon and will have more info about gameplay and some screenshots.

 Preorder BoneCraft here | D-Dub Website | BoneTown Sex Game


Preorder BoneCraft here

D-Dub Website

BoneTown Sex Game

 Posted by at 2:21 pm

  One Response to “BoneCraft Sex Game now taking preorders”

  1. ciaooo

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