The latest offering in the LoveChess series seamlessly combines two very timeless activities: the game of chess and the art of sex. Gone are the nude marble figurines set against Greek and Egyptian mythology found in the previous iterations. LoveChess: Salvage presents human chess pieces adorned with leather and fetish gear against a muted dystopian background. The modern look and realistic bodies bring a fresh and edgy perspective to the stately chess board.
LoveChess: Salvage (Artmunk Games) 4/5
As in other LoveChess games, when you capture another piece the sexual escapade begins. Any number of positions will play out in front of you depending on who is attacking who. A basic mini game happens here where timed keyboard strokes eventually lead the couple to a chess orgasm, but this is optional and can be skipped if desired. The erotic activities are based mainly around a BDSM vibe. While there are no whips and chains, there are some face masks and moments of dominance and slavery.
The camera moves fluidly around the board with mouse or keyboard control but I wish I could zoom in a little closer to the action when it occurs. The graphics are very nice and the character models look convincing and are very animated. The music is also very well done. There are two different background settings, inside or outside, but the choice adds little to the game as you spend all your time looking at the board and naked bodies. One team is all male, while the other is all female, and you may choose to play either side. There is an option to see symbols on the board to help differentiate your rooks from your knights.
Besides the conservative zoom level there are some other minor complaints. There seems to be a complete lack of any girl on girl link ups, and I wish there were some more females in a submissive role.
If you like chess and you want to elevate (or lower) the game to an explicit sexual level, then I highly recommend LoveChess: Salvage.
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