Feb 162010

In about a month from now, I’m going to visit the real ‘Red Light District’ for the first time and see what all the hoopla is about. (Update: it was well worth it, and no I didn’t partake in the government sanctioned prostitution services.) If Amsterdam isn’t in your travel plans any time soon, then might I recommend the virtual Red Light Center, an anything goes Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) where you may meet, socialize with, flirt, and fuck anyone who thinks your attractive avatar is really your likeness.

Post some pics and a little info about yourself in your offline profile for better results. Then any potential prospect can get a sense of the real you by choosing an option on your avatar to view your profile. Likewise that buxom Jessica Rabbit looking vixen can be clicked on to reveal her… inner beauty. But seriously, just like in the real world, there are all types, only now you can play the pickup game from the comfort of your sweaty seat cushion. 3D environments and characters add a whole new dimension to what is essentially a glorified chat room. Body language matters here, as do the social conventions you follow in the real world. And dancing. Lots of dancing. But here you can walk into any one of many sex rooms and try your luck. Or just watch the orgies. Take your time and you’ll score, and if you’re impatient there’s always the enticing sex bots who never say no.

Participating in sex acts requires membership, but it’s free to browse. Members have yellow names floating above their heads, free members are green.  Visit Red Light Center here

Go to Red Light Center now and meet people for sex

 Posted by at 4:13 am

  7 Responses to “Red Light Center”

  1. i am very good

  2. im sure u ar 😉

  3. super

  4. when i can download this game?

  5. hi my name is david

  6. this game is sick! good to jack off 😀

  7. whenever u want

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